Seagriculture EU 2024

18–20 Jun 2024 | Tórshavn, Faroe Islands

Felix Leinemann

Head of Unit Blue Economy Sectors, Aquaculture, MSP

European Commission, DG MARE

Brussels, Belgium

14 profile visitsSpeaker


My organisation

DG Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DG MARE) aims to develop the potential of the European maritime economy and to secure sustainable fisheries, a stable supply of seafood, healthy seas and prosperous coastal communities - for today's Europeans and for future generations.

Additional questions

What are your areas of interest?

Seaweed farming (cultivation, wild harvest, offshore, landbased)Applications for seaweedsLegislative aspects of seaweedsSocial aspectsEcological aspects of seaweeds (E.g. carbon credits, IMTA)Seaweed market trends

Are you interested in buying seaweeds?


Are you interested in selling seaweeds?


Speaker sessions (1)

Wednesday, 19 June 2024

14:10 - 15:00

Session 3: Panel discussion on the state-of-play and challenges towards a thriving European seaweed industry

Location:Conference Room
Panel Discussion

Various European seaweed stakeholder organizations will discuss the current state of play in the various European coastal regions, and the challenges that need to be overcome to accomplish a thriving European seaweed industry.