Seagriculture EU 2024

18–20 Jun 2024 | Tórshavn, Faroe Islands

Dagbjørn Skipnes

Senior scientist


Stavanger, Norway

7 profile visitsSpeaker

Food processing and engineering with focus on heating, cooling and novel processing methods.


My organisation

Nofima is a leading food research institute in Norway that conducts research and development for the aquaculture industry, the fishing industry and the food industry. Their vision is “sustainable food for everyone”.

Additional questions

What are your areas of interest?

Seaweed processingApplications for seaweedsEquipment and technological advancementsLegislative aspects of seaweedsSocial aspectsCollaborative projects and partnerships in seaweed industrySeaweed education and outreach programs

Are you interested in buying seaweeds?


Are you interested in selling seaweeds?


Speaker sessions (1)

Thursday, 20 June 2024

12:15 - 12:45

Seaweed Elevator Pitches

Location:Conference Room
Seaweed Elevator Pitches

The Pitches offer a unique, fast-paced, and diverse session where presenters have five minutes to deliver a concise, impactful presentation on their activities and innovative ideas. All topics are possible as long as they deal with seaweeds.



University/Research Institute

Stavanger, Norway