Seagriculture EU 2024

18–20 Jun 2024 | Tórshavn, Faroe Islands

Matthew Haynsen

Running Tide

Reykjavík, Iceland

9 profile visitsSpeaker


My organisation

Running Tide

Running Tide, Inc. is an ocean health company and the leader in ocean-based carbon removal. They amplify the natural pathways of the ocean to remove carbon safely and durably. While being founded and based in the United States, Running Tide has facilities in Iceland and is expanding operations into other countries.

Speaker sessions (1)

Thursday, 20 June 2024

15:50 - 16:35

Seaweed Elevator Pitches

Location:Conference Room
Seaweed Elevator Pitches

The Pitches offer a unique, fast-paced, and diverse session where presenters have five minutes to deliver a concise, impactful presentation on their activities and innovative ideas. All topics are possible as long as they deal with seaweeds.