Seagriculture EU 2024

18–20 Jun 2024 | Tórshavn, Faroe Islands

Floor Marsman

Ocean Rainforest

Faroe Islands

10 profile visitsSpeaker


My organisation

Ocean Rainforest

Ocean Rainforest is a pioneering blue growth company located in the Faroe Islands and in California, USA. The company offers a collection of seaweed products, mostly for feed, food and cosmetic producers, as well as taking part in research projects with a number of different partners.

Speaker sessions (1)

Thursday, 20 June 2024

14:20 - 15:20

Session 7: Breeding and seeding aspects

Location:Conference Room

Presentations from experts in the field of breeding and seeding aspects. How to further increase production yields of kelp species? Twine seeding vs direct seeding. And more.


Ocean Rainforest

Company (SME)

Kaldbak, Faroe Islands