Sustainable Places 2024

23–25 Sept 2024 | Luxembourg

23 September 2024 - 25 September 2024


4 Pl. de l'Europe

European Convention Center

Sustainable Places 2024

LIFE Clean Energy Transition (CET)

LIFE Clean Energy Transition (CET) is a program funded by the European Union (EU) to facilitate the transition towards an energy-efficient, renewable energy-based, climate-neutral, and resilient economy. The program aims to build a national, regional, and local policy framework, accelerate technology roll-out, attract private finance for sustainable energy, support local and regional investment projects, and empower citizens in the transition. To date, LIFE CET has funded 188 projects with over €300 million total EU funding, covering all EU Member States and other countries. The 2024 annual calls are open, with €81,25 million available for grants. Most funding topics are open to consortia of at least three eligible entities from three different countries.

Built4People Exhibitors

Built4People (B4P)

Built4People (B4P) is a European partnership under Horizon Europe that aims to accelerate people-centric innovation for a sustainable built environment. The partnership comprises representatives from the European Commission, private partners ECTP (European Construction and sustainable built environment Technology Platform) and WorldGBC Europe (Green Building Council), and various European Commission services. The B4P Partnership Board is the main forum for dialogue and steering the partnership, while the B4P Stakeholders Forum allows participation from a large community of built environment experts. The B4P States' Representatives Group (SRG) is composed of nominated representatives from EU member states and associated countries, advising and supporting the achievement of the partnership's objectives and ensuring they complement national policies, priorities, and programs.