Sustainable Places 2024

23–25 Sept 2024 | Luxembourg

Edgar Valverde

Senior Innovation Consultant


Barcelona, Spain

3 profile visitsSpeaker

I am devoted to innovation management. My interests are: efficient buildings, construction, urban planning, smart cities, food system, lifestyles and tourism.


Chemical and Industrial Engineer by the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, MBA by EAE Business School.

I have been working in R&D&i since 2015, collaborating with entrepreneurial projects and supporting entities to develop their R&D&I activities through innovation and subsidies management. My main areas of interest are: efficient buildings, sustainable construction, urban planning, smart cities, healthy food system, active lifestyles and circular tourism.

I currently act as exploitation manager for the EU funded projects PROBONO (green neighbourhoods) and BEEYONDERS (digital, safe and sustainable construction), and supports communication, dissemination and exploitation activities in the BREADCRUMB project (food waste).

My organisation

With more than 30 years of experience in innovation and public funding, PNO has developed a structured approach to support organisations in addressing the challenges of the innovation cycle. Through this approach, we can accelerate your innovation process and increase the chance of success through a range of services: innovation management; project development & partner search; project financing; intelligence; communication; and application.

We provide our services throughout Europe to a wide range of clients: from SMEs to multinational companies, non-profit organisations, technological platforms, multi-stakeholder partnerships, universities and governments. To help each type of organization reach its goals we have in-house specialists in a wide variety of fields, such as public and private finance; innovation; life sciences & health, logistics & transport, energy, chemistry and many more; tax, legal and administrative specialists.

It is our aim to offer you the best grants and innovation consultancy in Europe.

Social media


  • horizon europe
  • EU Funding
  • innovation management
  • R&D&I


  • efficient buildings
  • sustainable construction
  • urban planning
  • Smart Cities
  • Food system
  • lifestyles
  • Tourism

Additional questions

Areas of activity

Energy Communities, Smart Cities & Urban TransitionRenewable Energy TechnologiesSustainable Construction & RenovationDecarbonization & CircularityFacilitating the Energy Transition: Policy, Finance, TrainingSustainable Urban Renewal & Cultural TransformationDigital Twins, Smartness & Artificial Intelligence for Sustainability

Speaker sessions (1)

Marketplace (3)

  • Project cooperation

    D4-02-03 - Built4People

    BIM-based processes and digital twins for facilitating and optimising circular energy renovation

    • Planning
    • Research
    • Technical

    Edgar Valverde

    Senior Innovation Consultant at PNO INNOVATION SL

    Barcelona, Spain

  • Project cooperation

    D4-02-04 - Built4People

    Design for adaptability, re-use and deconstruction of buildings, in line with the principles of circular economy.

    • Planning
    • Research
    • Technical

    Edgar Valverde

    Senior Innovation Consultant at PNO INNOVATION SL

    Barcelona, Spain

  • Project cooperation

    D4-02-05 - Built4People

    Digital solutions to foster participative design, planning and management of buildings, neighbourhoods and urban districts.

    • Planning
    • Research
    • Technical

    Edgar Valverde

    Senior Innovation Consultant at PNO INNOVATION SL

    Barcelona, Spain