emobility SW development for Charging Point Operations and Electro Mobility Services.
- Energy
- Consulting
- Development
- Automotive, Batteries, Transport & Logistics
Business Unit Manager SaaS EVCHARGE at ETECNIC
Reus, Spain
EVCHARGE supports companies to develop in e-mobility, providing solutions to manage a EV charging infrastructures, renewable energies and EV mobility services.
We have a large experience to support different types of companies, public administrations, fleet companies, retail & touristic businesses, parking landlords, CPOs -Charge Point Operators- and EMSPs -Electro Mobility Service Providers- to make emobility a part of his reality.
Our competences in SW development, Engineering & Consultancy, Energy & Storages systems, Business and Use Cases understanding are part of the aded value we propose to our customers.
As an example, our "Smart Pricing" module allows to innovate in the business model to propose a dynamic pricing, while our "Smart Charging" module allows the optimization of the electrical infrastructure and the integration with renewable energies and battery storage systems.
For more information, visit: EV Charging Software | EVcharge
emobility SW development for Charging Point Operations and Electro Mobility Services.
SaaS services for emobility for Charging Point Operations and Electro Mobility Services.
Project cooperation
Innovation & pilot testing in emobility
Our SaaS emobility solution allows to introduze innovative approaches into your business.