
Olivier TALON

R&D coordinator - Environmental Impact Unit

Materia Nova

Mons, Belgium

Sustainable/circular solution provider

We provide services as consultants in environmental assessment by LCA methodology, eco-design and circularity.

My organisation

Materia Nova

Materia Nova

R&D Institution

Mons, Belgium

Materia Nova,the technology accelerator in research and development of sustainable materials Our center supports industries in their innovation projects, taking care to meet the societal and environmental issues linked to the energy transition and the deployment of the circular economy.
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About me

Scientist in the field of polymer blends and bioplastics, I specialised in LCA and eco-design of innovations,

I support the management of collaborative R&D projects through life cycle analysis, assessing the environmental relevance of the products and processes developed and identifying ways of optimising their footprint.

I support companies as they move towards eco-design and the circular economy.

Social media


  • LCA
  • Cicruclar economy
  • Ecodesign


  • biobased economy
  • plastics
  • ecodesign of innovation

Marketplace (1)

  • Service

    Ecodesign of innovation consultancy

    Materia Nova provides consultancy services for helping companies to evaluate and optimize the environmental impacts of their products.

    • Consulting
    • Circular Economy
    • Ecodesign and packaging

    Olivier TALON

    R&D coordinator - Environmental Impact Unit at Materia Nova

    Mons, Belgium