Opportunity in an unmet social megatrend area for an ESG consultancy
Become a market leader in the unmet but huge market of healthy longevity in the ESG landscape by "co-founding" or collaborating with NOW.
Founder & MD
NOW Never Old When
Larnaca, Cyprus
Opportunity in an unmet social megatrend area for an ESG consultancy
Become a market leader in the unmet but huge market of healthy longevity in the ESG landscape by "co-founding" or collaborating with NOW.
Boost Outreach & Sales for your Innovation - Unexpensive Event Marketing
Business success right from the start! Yes, if you specifically look for customers and partners for whom you have the perfect solution.
Project cooperation
Outreach Boost by Event Participation AND Event Creation
Outreach boost! Occurs when innovative solutions are presenting publicly together with disruptive partners. Join the global Movement!