Sweden-Brazil R&D&I Matchmaking

Florianópolis, Brazil

Project cooperationUpdated on 25 April 2024

From academic research to the market. a long journey. Myradar solution. APP

Roberto Jeolas

Ceo at Turbr/myradar




 This work aims to characterize innovations in services, through the implementation of the Pintec questionnaire and through semi-structured interviews with agents from major hotels in São Paulo. The qualitative approach made it possible to obtain data on the innovative activities that were reported by agents in this sector. The literature review found that studies on service innovation in the hotel industry are limited and have a technological bias focused on products and the manufacturing industry. The main results found were: the concern to innovate, even if they are frugal innovations and small gradual increments, and it is necessary to innovate all the time; the difficulty in interpreting the types of innovation referred to in the Pintec 2014 questionnaire and the Oslo Manual 2018, despite the high level of education of the respondents; little autonomy from incremental innovations that require investment for implementation; tying innovation to pre-defined procedures for chain hotels. The contributions of this study in relation to the Pintec questionnaire can be summarized: suggestion for the reduction of the questionnaire and adequacy of the questions focused on the reality of the hotel industry; suggestion of inversion of the taxonomy of product innovation (goods and services), technology, processes, organization and marketing for service innovation (goods and products), technological and process innovation (organizational and marketing). The theoretical contribution of this research was to highlight hospitality as a field of analysis and studies that comes from the confluence of Innovation Studies in Services (EIS) and Innovation Studies (EI), marked by specificities and characteristics, and not as a sub-theme of thematic or sectorial area of ​​tourism or other services. The practical contribution was to give voice to hotel agents as active subjects who demonstrate knowledge and suggest changes on innovation in the sector, regardless of hierarchical level. In this way, this work contributes to hotel managers and government public policies focused on innovation in tourism, hospitality and specific in hotels such as analysis and studies for this sector. As a suggestion for future studies, the modified questionnaire for this research can be applied later to a statistically representative sample. 

   Keywords: Innovation, Service, Hospitality, Pintec. 

    Theoretical References

 The research problem is centered on the difficulty of studies in detecting existing innovations in services and specifically in hotels (Nordli, 2016).

 The methodology of this work will be qualitative, based on the study by Nordli (2016), a Norwegian researcher who used the Community Innovation Survey (CIS) questionnaire,

 Regardless of being a new field of study, some sectoral or thematic research has been developed in other areas such as hospitals, public services, tourism and logistics services (Djellal & Gallouj, 2018). Gallouj,

 1 – From non-innovative services to services as simple adopters of technological innovation

 2 - From services as simple passive adopters to services as active adopters and even producers of technological innovations

 3 - From services as adopters/producers of technological innovations to services as producers of specific forms of innovation (or from visible innovation to invisible innovation)

 4 - From innovation in certain specific sectors to innovation in all service activities

 5 - From innovation in services to innovation through services

 6 – From service innovation to service innovation (everywhere)

 7 – From publishing existing reviews to creating specialized reviews


  1) I started researching with my master’s dissertation.

 2) Brazilian tourism database is dispersed and has little interactivity with other repositories.

 3) the internet has the greatest impact on hotels and airlines only

 4)Tourism impacts more than 500 types of companies,

 That said we began myradar solution

We started building the only structured tourism database into a solution called myradar

 The only tourism solution that brings together all companies in the ecosystem, more than 500 types of service and product companies

Please see the pitchdeck for a complete understanding


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