Sweden-Brazil R&D&I Matchmaking

Florianópolis, Brazil

Ola Rynge

CTO & Co-founder


Gothenburg, Sweden

13 profile visits


My organisation

Nudgd offers Smart Nudges, a SaaS platform that leverages behavioral science to promote climate-friendly habits. These habits include transitioning from car usage to active mobility and public transportation. Our platform aids sustainability managers in automating behavior change across citizens, residents, or employees, addressing various sustainability challenges such as energy, mobility, waste, water, food, and consumption.

Smart Nudges employs personalized nudges to foster long-term, measurable behavioral changes. Our unique value proposition lies in our advanced “nudge algorithm,” which optimizes behavioral change potential by delivering tailored nudges at the right moment, with the appropriate framing, and through the optimal channel.

In addition to our platform, Nudgd offers services in behavioral expertise and nudging projects. We provide capacitation and training on behavioral design and nudging, equipping organizations with the skills and knowledge to implement effective behavioral interventions.

Nudgd - Sustainable Choices Made Easy.



Start Up

Gothenburg, Sweden

Marketplace (2)