Sweden-Brazil R&D&I Matchmaking

Florianópolis, Brazil


Chief Research Officer

SENAI Innovation Institute for Manufacturing Systems and Laser Processing

Joinville - SC, Brazil

Mechanical Engineer (1982), Master in Aerospace Eng. (1985), Ph.D. in Mechatronics, England (1991) and Post-Doctorate in Human Centered Systems, Sweden (2017).


Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering at São Paulo State University "Júlio de Mesquita Filho" - UNESP - (1982), Master in Aerospace Engineering at National Institute for Space Research - INPE - (1985), PhD in Mechanical Engineering at Loughborough University, England (1991) and Post-Doctorate in Human Centered Systems at Linköping University, Sweden (2017). He is one of the founders of the Competence Center of Manufacturing at ITA (CCM / ITA), a research center that hosts strategic R&D projects with several industrial partners. Currently he is Full Professor at the Mechanical Engineering Department of the Aeronautics Institute of Technology - ITA, Chief Research Officer at SENAI Institute for Manufacturing Systems and Laser Processing and Pro-Rector of Research & Innovation at SENAI University Center - UniSENAi. His research interests are Integrated Product Development (IPD) and Mechatronics focused on Industrial Automation and Robotics.

My organisation

SENAI Innovation Institute for Manufacturing Systems and Laser Processing

We are the SENAI Innovation Institute for Manufacturing Systems and Laser Processing. Our organization is dedicated to fostering innovation and advancements in manufacturing and laser processing technologies through research, development and collaboration with industry partners. We provide cutting-edge solutions and knowledge to help businesses optimize their manufacturing processes through assistive industrial robotics, laser applied technology such as additive manufacturing, surface texturing and laser welding. Join us to explore new opportunities and drive growth in the advanced manufacturing sector.

Social media

Marketplace (1)

  • Service

    Laser Additive Maintenance

    Laser Additive Maintenance replaces physical warehouses of parts by digital counterparts plus the parameters of laser additive manufacturing



    Chief Research Officer at SENAI Innovation Institute for Manufacturing Systems and Laser Processing

    Joinville - SC, Brazil