Richard Hoogenboom

Full professor

Ghent University

Ghent, Belgium

3 profile visitsSpeakerSpeaker

Expertise in polymer materials, including cationic polymers as non-viral vectors and hydrophilic polymer to replace and outperform PEG


Prof. Richard Hoogenboom is full professor at Ghent University heading the Supramolecular Chemistry group that focuses on poly(2-oxazoline)s, supramolecular materials and responsive polymers. More specifically, the group focuses on development of biomaterials, including cationic polymers for gene delivery and non-ionic hydrophilic polymer to replace and outperform PEG.

Prof. Hoogenboom is also cofounder of Avroxa BV that commercializes poly(2-oxazoline)s as Ultroxa® and poly(alkyleneimine)s, such as L-PEI, as UltraPEI.

My organisation

Ghent University

Department of Organic and Macromolecular Chemistry

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  • polymer biomaterials
  • non-viral vectors
  • hydrophilic polymers


  • Opportunities to develop new biomaterials

Speaker sessions (1)

Tuesday, 17 September 2024

14:35 - 14:50

Cationic polymers as non-viral vectors - Richard Hoogenboom, University of Ghent


The development of next generation cationic polymers as non-viral gene delivery vectors will be discussed, going beyond L-PEI.

Speaker presentation

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Ghent University

Academic institution

Ghent, Belgium