
Technology & Business Cooperation Days 2025

30521 Hannover, Germany


Hall 2, Booth C02


Please note:This year the Technology & Business Cooperation Days are planned to take place as a "hybrid brokerage event" with seperate timeslots for online and physical events and with confirmed and pre-scheduled bilateral meetings - which means there is a brokerage area on the fairground for physical face to face meetings and the option to attend the brokerage event online and meet potential partners in videoconferences two weeks before the fair takes place.

This means that you can decide if you attend the fair or if you want to stay in your office and make use of the online meeting possibilities.  The online meetings will take place at the scheduled times with a meeting duration of 20 minutes. The event website provides an integrated video conference system that requires an actual web browser (Safari, Edge, Chrome or Firefox) and the availability of a microphone and - if you like - a camera.