
Markus Becker

Managing Director

windwise GmbH

Münster, Germany

29 profile visitsParticipant

Technology of today's WTGs is matured, but base load capacity must be increased to reduce investment needs in infrastructure . maxcap - next level windenergy!

My organisation

windwise GmbH

windwise GmbH


Münster, Germany

Founded in 2014, windwise offers various technical services in the wind energy sector. Since then, the company has developed further innovations in the field of wind energy in close cooperation with its growing customer base. In addition to partial solutions and services (system simulation, component and software development) for the control and operation of individual wind turbines and wind farms, the company also develops and designs complete wind turbines for use in the onshore sector. Successive improvements based on the know-how and extensive experience of the employees have led to professional and robust solutions, which have been incorporated in particular into the windwise’s own product, a base-load-optimized wind turbine with a rated output of 2.3 MW and a rotor diameter of 141 m, called maxcap. This wind turbine achieves a high number of full-load hours even at low-wind-speed sites and is therefore particularly suitable for net-metering-projects and applications with special requirements, such as electrolysis projects, seawater desalination, etc.. Market entry in Germany has taken place and the pilot plant has been in operation since the beginning of 2024. Further projects in Germany are under development. windwise offers the 2.3MW wind turbine product as a turnkey product in Germany, but also worldwide. Alternatively, the technology is also offered as a licensed product. The company supports a potential licensee in setting up the manufacturing through to series production. The product is currently being further developed for worldwide use. The output and rotor diameter are being increased, but the characteristics of high full load hours and base load capability are being consistently pursued. In order to expand the business to international markets, the company is now looking for partners from the renewable energy sector worldwide as customers and/or as discussion partners to discuss international requirements and challenges. Target customers are: -        Medium-sized industrial companies that want to enter the production of complete wind turbine generators or components. -        Project developers, which are looking for wind turbines with the described characteristics of a high number of full load hours. -        Users who want to increase vertical integration in local markets or need to demonstrate local value creation and are interested in the license model. -        Industrial end consumers with high energy consumption who want to reduce their energy costs and CO2 emissions by generating their own electricity from renewable energies.
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About me

03/2015 – to date           Windwise GmbH | Münster (Engineering service provider), Founder and technical managing director)

07/2007 – 01/2015         Kenersys GmbH | Münster (Manufacturer of WTG), CTO

11/2003 – 06/2007         RSBconsult GmbH | Münster (Engineering service provider), Founder and managing director

09/1998 – 10/2003         Tacke Windenergie, ENRON Wind, GE Wind Energy | Salzbergen (Manufacturer of WTG), Platform manager for new product development, Component engineer mechanical systems

07/1997 – 08/1998         Lebherz & Partner  - Solar- und umwelttechnische Anlagen | Aachen (Provider of engineering services for solar systems), Project management

10/1996 – 06/1997         University of Hanover | Hannover (Institute for tool machines (IFW), Scientific assistant

Social media


  • Design and production of WTGs
  • System- and industry understanding
  • Project and company management


  • Contribution in the energy transition
  • Developing new concepts for low energy prices

Marketplace (1)

  • Product

    maxcap - baseload capable wind turbine generator

    maxcap is a base load-capable WTG optimized for applications with limited grid capacity and demand for high number of full-load-hours.

    • Buyer
    • Manufacturer
    • License partner
    • Integrated energy systems and mobility (Energy)
    • Research and development (Research & Technology)

    Markus Becker

    Managing Director at windwise GmbH

    Münster, Germany