UK-US matchmaking for Offshore Wind R&D Competition

25 Sept 2023 – 10 Jan 2024 | United Kingdom

Project cooperationUpdated on 29 September 2023

Fatigue in dynamic cables

Chris Minto

Preventing Subsea Cable Failure at Indeximate Ltd

Hinckley, United Kingdom


Our sensing platform is focussed on long term monitoring of cables to understand their integrity and the nature of the environment surrounding it.

Static cables fail quickly when they become dynamic due to crack growth in the lead sheath.

Dynamic cables dispense with the lead sheath and replace with copper tape. The behaviour of dynamic cables for floating off shore wind is uncharacterised and little information is available on design for fatigue.

We propose to work with a floating wind developer or researcher to conduct trials of floating wind demo sites and record the fatigue profile over a typical winter spread to inform on likely lifetime use over such a period and predict available life


  • Early


  • Operation & Maintenance (O&M) Systems Development


  • Research
  • Technical

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