UK-US matchmaking for Offshore Wind R&D Competition

25 Sept 2023 – 10 Jan 2024 | United Kingdom

Project cooperationUpdated on 29 September 2023

UK offshore wind Financial digital Twin software - Innovate UK track record

Raymond Alcorn

CEO at Exceedence

belfast, Cork, United Kingdom


Depending on the nature of the collaboration we would be developing use cases and data but more likely we would be developing new features and integrations of our software package that will make it more tractable in both the US and UK markets.

We have previous Innovate UK track record, doing financial model development and business cases for offshore floating wind substructures and moorings.

Specifically in the call we are interested in

  • 1a Development and demonstration of solutions that improve offshore wind power reliability - We would be looking at running multiple scenarios on reliability options to quantify and validate the financial or economic impact of each.

  • 1c: feasibility studies on the techno-economic analysis of differing energy storage solutions with offshore wind, such as hydrogen, thermal storage and pumped storage. We would be looking at further back end developments of of software to capture this, including market pricing options.

  • 2a: We would want to include more detailed OPEX inputs and look at impacts.

  • offshore wind turbine digital twin development and application in-practice. We would look at doing integrations with other digital twins which would then show the financial impact. At the moment there are no joint technical and financial digital twins so we would like to collaborate on this.

Our case studies are available on our websites. Exceedence is our company website and is our software specific page. We are an Irish HQ company with a UK subsidiary based in Belfast and qualify for Innovate UK funding.


  • Early
  • Planing
  • Execution


  • Solutions to facilitate offshore wind resiliency and transmission coordination
  • Operation & Maintenance (O&M) Systems Development


  • Technical
  • Pilotting

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