UK-US matchmaking for Offshore Wind R&D Competition

25 Sept 2023 – 10 Jan 2024 | United Kingdom

Project cooperationUpdated on 16 November 2023

An end-to-end marine monitoring solution to quantify ecosystem services through machine learning

David Lamb

Founder at OceanOS

London, United Kingdom


We, OceanOS, have recently received £250k grant funding to assess biodiversity at a fixed-bottom OWF foundation to enable operators in the UK to report against incoming marine-net-gain legislation.

We are looking to expand on this work by understanding the biodiversity impact of various subsea structures - both OWF structures and also biodiversity mitigation measures (artifical reefs, rewilding of the seabed, habitat creation etc).

The Challenge:

With the exponential growth of offshore wind worldwide there comes an increased impact on the seabed and marine spatial panning.

It therefore becomes essential for OWFs to demonstrate their impact on ecosystems. This requires collaboration between companies looking at data collection and data processing. Without either of these we are not able to make accurate biodiversity assessments.


  • Early


  • Innovation to facilitate ocean area coexistence


  • Research
  • Technical
  • Pilotting

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