UK-US matchmaking for Offshore Wind R&D Competition

25 Sept 2023 – 10 Jan 2024 | United Kingdom

Yaqin Liu

Assistant Scientist

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Woods Hole, United States

2 profile visits

I can contribute to fisheries interaction with offshore wind facilities and statistical assessment to assist technology concepts an development


Yaqin Liu is an environmental economist studying coupled human-natural systems in coastal zones and oceans. Her research involves modeling human behavior in utilizing marine resources with feedbacks from ecosystems. Originally from China, Yaqin did her bachelor in geographic information science at Wuhan University. She holds a M.S in environmental economics from University of Georgia and a PhD in economics from Georgia State University. She spent a year at Duke University as a postdoc researcher before joining the Marine Policy Center at WHOI.

My organisation

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution


  • bioeconomic model
  • Statistics
  • Simulation


  • co-existence with marine biosphere

Marketplace (2)