19 November 2024
Bucharest, Romania
Strada Negustori 16
at "The Villa"
Women in Green Tech - Boosting Female Entrepreneurship
Travel grants to follow up after the event
Innovation Norway offers travel grants for participants to meet with connections made via the event.
The EEA and Norway Grants aim to increase bilateral cooperation between Norway and Iceland and the Beneficiary States of the Grants, including Romania and Bulgaria. Innovation Norway therefore offers grants for travel between these countries.
The travel grants are available for participants at the event for travels to meet with connections made. The travel grants is open for applications from an entity that participated at the event with the purpose of meeting an entity in another country (the entity to be visited can be any entity - it does not have to be one that participated at the event).
The aim is that this follow-up will strengthen connections made via the event and contribute to future partnerships, cooperation and networks.
Grants for travels from Romania or Bulgaria to Norway: 1500 euro
Grants for travels from Romania to Iceland: 1800 euro
Grants for travel from Norway to Romania or Bulgaria: 1500 euro
Grants for travel from Iceland to Romania: 1800 euro
Please note that the travel grant is state aid under De Minimis, and that the application needs to include a De Minimis form (see below).
Any entity that participated at the event can apply for travel between the countries mentioned above.
The application needs to state at least one entity to meet in the destination country. The application needs to include a confirmation of the meeting from the entity to be visited (a letter of interest, e.g. an email confirming the meeting).
The entity to be visited can be any entity in one of the countries mentioned above.
The application needs to state a purpose for the meeting.
Deadline for applications: 31 January 2025 or when the funds are exhausted.
Deadline for the travel: 28 February 2025.
deadline for submission of reimbursement requests: 15 March 2025.
Assessment of the applications:
Relevance of the purpose of travel to the topics of the event: female entrepreneurs, technology and/or the green transition.
Relevance of the partnership.
Innovation Norway will assess the applications on a rolling basis. The applications have to be approved by Innovation Norway before the travel takes place. Once the application is approved, the applicant can book the travel. Innovation Norway reimburses the travel grant based on a reimbursement request from the applicant after the travel.
To apply, please send:
The completed application form below,
The completed De Minimis declaration form, and
The confirmation from the entity that you will visit
to the email ro.innovation@innovationnorway.no. Ensure the subject line reads: "Travel Grants - Women in Green Tech."
More information will be available at a designated space in the venue during the event. Innovation Norway will be present to outline the availability of the travel grants and reply to any questions. We are also available for questions on this portal.