Meeting ratings
Gain valuable insight with meeting ratings.
Find out how the event matchmaking on your B2B event really went and how satisfied your participants were.
Meeting ratings
Participants rate each meeting with a familiar rating system.
Get valuable insights into the success of your event’s b2b matchmaking by utilizing the simple and intuitive meeting ratings tool.
Participants can rate their meetings on a scale from one to five and leave any comments they might have. If a meeting did not take place, an additional label can be selected.
Our EEN partners have the option to select the standardized EEN ratings. In the EEN ratings, each label has a more specific meaning, providing more information to the event organizers.
Ratings reminders
Participants are reminded to rate their meetings via notifications.
- Participants can rate their meetings as soon as they are over
- In case they don’t rate them within five minutes, they get a notification
- Our interactive notifications allow rating the meetings through the notifications, without having to leave the page
Knowledge is key, we happily share it.
b2b Matchmaking
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