Event networking - b2match

Product Update

No More Scheduling Conflicts Between Sessions and Meetings!

Jun 26, 20242 min read

Are your participants finding it difficult to create their schedules because sessions and meetings overlap? Our newest feature update is here to solve this problem, ensuring a smoother scheduling experience and allowing them to focus on what truly matters.

Previously, it was possible to prevent sessions from overlapping with other sessions. Now, the prevent overlap feature is also applicable to networking blocks. How does it work?

Smart Availability Notifications

When participants set their availability for a networking block but attempt to add a session that overlaps with it, a helpful notification window will appear, explaining that they marked themselves as available for meetings during the time period and that the session cannot overlap with other activities.

Add a session.pngAdd a session.png
Image: Modal window explaining the session overlaps with meeting time slots.

The modal also asks the participant if they are sure they want to add the session to the schedule and mark the time slots as unavailable. This gives participants the option to either proceed with adding the session to their schedule or keep their availability for meetings. If they choose to attend the session, the system will automatically make them unavailable for meetings during that session's time slot.

Improved User Experience in Networking Blocks

To further enhance scheduling efficiency, we have made these improvements in the following cases:

1. Session Fully Overlapping Networking Block

If a networking block fully overlaps with a session, it will be completely blocked (grayed out) from being added to the participants' personal schedule.

2. Session Partially Overlapping Networking Block

If the networking block only partially overlaps with the session, participants will see an “Edit my availability” option on the networking block card on the agenda. This allows them to review which time slots are available and which ones overlap with the session. The overlapping time slots will be grayed out with the message “Overlaps with a session”.

Manage availability.pngManage availability.png
Image: Participant’s availability showing time slots with overlapping sessions.

3. Participant Has Pre-Scheduled Meetings

If a participant already has a meeting scheduled during time slots that overlap with a session, they won’t be able to add the session to their schedule, as the button will be grayed out. To attend a session, the participant will need to reschedule the meeting first and then add the desired agenda session to their schedule.

Meeting already exists.pngMeeting already exists.png
Image: Unavailable agenda session.

Flexible Availability Adjustments

Of course, participants can always add any session to their schedule. However, if they wish to set their availability for meetings, they must first remove the overlapping session from their schedule. This adjustment will free up the networking block, allowing it to be added to the schedule without conflicts and enabling the participant to schedule meetings.

This improved feature helps participants manage their schedules more effectively, eliminating the inconvenience of scheduling conflicts and providing a clearer view of their activities.

With clear notifications and straightforward schedule management options on our event networking platform, we strive to make the event experience smoother and more efficient for all attendees.

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