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Product update

Shine A Spotlight On Your Event Sponsors

Jul 16, 20211 min read

Sponsors hold one of the most important roles on any networking event, especially on trade show networking events. That is why they should be prominently displayed on your event website. This is now possible with the newest feature in our event matchmaking software - the Sponsors page.

Create Sponsor Categories

Before creating the page, you will need to define sponsor categories by going to Configuration > Sponsor Groups. Some sponsors are more important than others, which is why we allow you to create different categories. The category type determines how big the sponsor logo will be.

You can choose between four categories, each representing the number of logos that will be visible in one row.

Mark Organisations as Sponsors

Once the categories are assigned, you can mark organizations as Sponsors and determine which category they should belong to. The page will be automatically generated with the logos uploaded by the participants during the registration.

Hybrid and virtual event sponsorship is mutually beneficial both for organizers and sponsors. So, make sure to contact us if you are interested in this feature!

Inspired? Get in touch and let's make your next event a success!

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