27 May 2025
00-322 Warsaw, Poland
66 Krakowskie Przedmieście Street
National Institute for Culture and Rural Heritage
Horizon Europe Brokerage Event for Cluster 6 - Calls 2025
Flash Presentations
CARE4BIO invites researchers, entrepreneurs and other stakeholders to submit flash presentations for a chance to present their project idea addressing one of the topics contained in the 2025 Cluster 6 work programme for ‘Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment’ during the brokerage event.
The flash presentations will be selected in advance of the event following submission of a presentation proposal. Selection will be based on the presentations' relevance to the 2025 topics and the degree of general interest based on an assessment of the participants. The presentations will last no more than 5 minutes and should ideally be held by the entity that intends to coordinate the proposal. Please note that the number of slots available for flash presentations is limited and that not all entries can be selected.
Following a review process carried out by the organisers, a number of speakers will be chosen to make a short presentation. All flash presentations (including those not selected for presentation on the day of the event due to time constraints) will be made available as .pdf files on this event website after 27 May (unless the contributors have any objections - in this case please inform us when you submit your flash presentation).
If you wish to hold a flash presentation during the brokerage event, please download the template here and submit your presentation to nks-bio-umw@fz-juelich.de with a final deadline of 4 May 2025. Presentations failing to follow the template and the instructions therein, especially presentations exceeding the allowed number of slides, may be rejected without further consideration of their content or quality.
The flash presentations will be held in two sessions between 10:00 - 10:40 and 13:00 - 14:00.
Flash Presentation template