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Project cooperationUpdated on 23 August 2024

Hydrogen Uptake: Timing and Transition to Hydrogen in Hard-to-Abate Sectors

Paolo Pisciella

Researcher at Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Trondheim, colleagues, Norway


Hard-to-abate sectors face distinctive challenges in transitioning to low-carbon energy sources. These challenges include: (i) High Energy Demand, driven by processes in industries such as steel, cement, and chemicals, which require substantial and consistent energy input; (ii) Process Complexity, involving specialized production methods that are difficult to electrify or decarbonize with conventional technologies; (iii) Infrastructure Requirements, including the need for significant capital investment to retrofit or replace existing facilities; and (iv) Economic Viability, where the cost of transitioning to alternative energy sources, like hydrogen, must be competitive with current fossil-fuel-based methods.

To address these challenges, this project seeks to develop strategies for integrating hydrogen as a primary energy source in hard-to-abate sectors. The focus will be on transforming industrial processes to ensure the effective consumption of hydrogen. This includes modeling the capital expenditures, operational shifts, and infrastructure developments required to retrofit or rebuild industrial systems around hydrogen use.

Following this, the project will evaluate a range of hydrogen storage technologies. These include underground hydrogen storage in depleted gas reservoirs, solid-state storage using metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), and advanced cryogenic and high-pressure storage solutions. In parallel, the project will explore innovations in electrolyser technology, such as the development of advanced catalysts, the optimization of membrane materials, and the integration of high-temperature and pressure electrolysis techniques to reduce energy consumption and improve the efficiency.

The ultimate goal is to identify the most effective and economically viable pathways for transitioning hard-to-abate sectors to a hydrogen-based energy system. We are interested in finding partners both from industry and research and we are available for leading a proposal.


  • CM2024-05: Hydrogen & renewable fuels
  • CM2024-09: Integrated industrial energy systems
  • CM2024-10: Clean energy integration in the built environment


  • R&D Partner
  • Technology Partner

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