ServiceUpdated on 15 April 2024
User studies from a psychological perspective
The future users of green technologies need to be identified, described, and investigated to tailor green solutions to user needs for maximal acceptance. We are passionate about motivating individuals of all ages to adapt new green technologies and would like to support technological partners with our know how on how to research user needs, opinions, and motivations.
Besides our experience with psychological questionnaires we can offer physiological measurements in an electroencephalographic laboratory (EEG lab) to measure bias-free brain reactions. These measurements are superior to questionnaire data since people tend to answer in a socially accepted way, which comes into play with environmental topics.
- Validator/Living Lab
- Demonstrator
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- Consultant
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Luke John Murphy
Project cooperation
Clean Hydrogen Technologies & Hydrogen Value Chain & Industrial Use Case
- Other
- R&D Partner
- Demonstrator
- Validator/Living lab
Ela Ayral
R&D Researcher at Tüpraş
İstanbul, Türkiye
Clean Hydrogen Technologies & Hydrogen Value Chain & Industrial Use Case
- Other
- R&D Partner
- Demonstrator
- Validator/Living Lab
- Project Conception and/or Coordination
Ela Ayral
R&D Researcher at Tüpraş
İstanbul, Türkiye