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Project cooperationUpdated on 15 April 2024

TRI 7 CM10B Clean Energy Integration in the Build environment - Coloured PV, Demonstrator

Robert Link

Sustainability representative at Interessensgemeinschaft Terrassenhaus Graz (IG THS)

Graz, Austria


IG THS is looking for partners working together on innovative coloured PV in order to demonstrate, how restrictions for cultural heritage buildings can be renovated in compliance with aesthatical building restrictions (e.g. by conservation authorities).

Our role as end-user community and need-owner includes providing our housing estate for demonstrating, piloting and large scale product validation for your solution in addition with social engagement, Open Science.

If needed, we can bring in stakeholders from academia (including social sciences and humanities), public sector (regulatory bodies, City of Graz), private sector (value chain, local, regional, national stakeholders), third sector (relevant associations). The contact person has a sound experience in Horizon propjects and proposals. More info here: Presentazione di PowerPoint (assets-cdn.io)


  • Demonstrator

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