HomeOrganisers for Matchmaking

Robert Link

Sustainability representative

Interessensgemeinschaft Terrassenhaus Graz (IG THS)

Graz, Austria

23 profile visitsPotential applicant for a funded RTDI project

My organisation

We are an advocacy group of a terraced housing estate, representing over 531 appartments, 1600 residents, under monument protection as a demonstration object of art brut. As a need-owner, we are interested in any solutions for energy saving, storage, production, considering restrictions for historial buildings. This includes photovoltaic, heating/cooling and geothermal energy sources. We can offer a demonstrator/pilot site with size and character according to your needs for testing and validating your solution in an operational environment. In addition, we are a diverse community for engagement, Open Science, Open Innovation. We are also establishing a energy community for selling (surplus of PV)/buying energy in the neighbourhood or within our buildings. Our interest is TRI2 CM2023-03A, CM2023-03B; TRI4 CM2023-06 (e.g. demonstrator for end-use system), CM2023-07; TRI7 CM2023-10A, CM2023-10B. In case, no funding is available by our Austrian Funding Agency, we are willing to participate as self-funded or associated partner (tbd). (see also our pitch in the TRI2 event (A17): https://cetpartnership.eu/sites/default/files/documentation/230616%20TRI2%20Preview%20Event_session%202%20and%203%20Joint%20Call%202023%20and%20Pitches.pdf
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About me

My organisation

Interessensgemeinschaft Terrassenhaus Graz (IG THS)


We are a community of interest and an advocacy group of a terrace house building estate, representing over 530 appartments, 1500 residents under monument protection as a demonstration object of art brut/structuralism. We are interested in calls related to the New European Bauhaus initiative (e.g. HORIZON-CL2-2024-HERITAGE-01-01). We can offer an effective pilot site and Horizon2020 experience of our members as well as a diverse partnership with architects, monument authorities, energy agencies and others if needed.

Additional questions

I am interested in the following CETPartnership thematic areas:

develop a pool of zero-emission power technologies and solutions based on Renewable Energy Sourcesprovide enhanced and improved heating & cooling technologies and systemsprovide solutions and technologies for buildings to become an active element in the energy system

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