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Project cooperationUpdated on 15 April 2024

Electrification of High Temperature Processes via Inductive Heating

Anshuman Pandey

Business Developer at TNO



Among the various electric heating technologies, inductive heating is among the most efficient and versatile options and reduces CO2 emissions and increase energy efficiency for high temperature processes like rWGS (reverse Water Gas Shift) and SMR (Steam Methane Reforming).

TNO has already developed the induction heating technology under a Dutch subsidy project to TRL 3. In this project we have shown that induction heating can be used to supply power to high-temperature catalytic reactions such as steam reforming and the energy transfer is so efficient that hydrogen can be produced at a price that can compete with electrolysis.

Now we are looking for partners to build a consortium to apply for a Dutch or EU subsidy project to take this inductive heating technology to higher TRL levels.

Please get in touch if you are also interested in direct heating technologies and want to do technology development in this domain.


  • R&D Partner
  • Technology Partner
  • Demonstrator
  • Consultant
  • Investor
  • Validator/Living lab

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