EnergyWeek 2025 Matchmaking

18–20 Mar 2025 | Vaasa, Finland

EnergyWeek 2025 Matchmaking

How matchmaking works?

Participating in a matchmaking event is a convenient and efficient way to connect with potential partners for collaboration. A 20 minute pre-scheduled meeting is a brilliant way to make a first impression that lasts! Note that the 1to1 meetings are held onsite in Vaasa.

Info sessions

We organize two info sessions about the matchmaking in EnergyWeek 2025. No registration needed, just click the link to join the Teams meeting! The purpose of the info session is to go shortly through the idea of the matchmaking, what is a good participant profile, how to find meeting partners and what happens on the matchmaking area in Vaasa. You can also ask questions from the organizers.

> Wednesday 5 March 2025 at 10.00-10.30 (Finnish time)

> Monday 10 March 2025 at 13.00-13.30 (Finnish time)

EnergyWeek 2025 Matchmaking_Info session.pdf


Register for the matchmaking

Register via the Register button on the matchmaking website. Create first a b2match account or login with your existing b2match account, if you have participated before in a matchmaking event that has used the b2match matchmaking system. Note that if you continue with LinkedIn or Google, the email used in the login is the email you use in LinkedIn/Google. Once you are logged in to your b2match account, you can continue with the registration to this event.

You cannot register to the event on the mobile application. Once you are registered, you can login to mobile application, and book and manage your meetings also there.

The registration is limited to maximum of four participants from one organization. Remember to register also to other EnergyWeek events (register here).

Create your profile to showcase who you are and for what are you looking for

Create a clear and concise participant profile to raise your visibility on the matchmaking website. The better the participant profile, the more meeting invitations you will receive and the better your meeting invitations will be accepted.

In your profile, describe who you are, what you can offer to potential partners, and who you want to meet. Do not forget to add a pitch, biography, your skills and interests. Add an organization page. If the organization page is already created, contact the organization representative first on the list, to invite you to join the organization. Add marketplace opportunities, to showcase your products, services, expertise, projects or investment opportunities.

It is important to edit your availability to have meetings. The other matchmaking participants can suggest a meeting only to the timeslots you have marked as available for meetings.

Browse other participants' profiles

Go to the participant list to find out who you could meet at the event and who is offering interesting and promising business opportunities. Use the filters or browse through the AI Profile recommendations in the My Matches section to narrow down your selection and find the most suitable collaboration partners that match your goals and interests. You can bookmark the interesting participants, so that you can find them using the filter "Bookmarked" later.

You can also find interesting business opportunities in Companies and Marketplace sections of the matchmaking website.

Send & receive meeting requests and messages

The booking of meetings opens on 18 February 2025. Send meeting invitations to those you want to meet during the matchmaking event. Send out messages to interesting participants to introduce yourself and initiate conversations even before the event to establish stronger connections.

In the meeting invitation, you can suggest a time for the meeting, the matchmaking system takes into account both the meeting partners' availability to have meetings. Note that the meeting is scheduled and a table is reserved only when the recipient has accepted the meeting invitation (status Accepted).

You can invite additional participants to the meeting, there can be up to 4 participants in one meeting.

My schedule and meetings overview

In My Schedule and Meetings, you have the up-to-date list of your meetings, who you will meet and in which table. Please be on time!

The 1to1 meetings take place onsite in Vaasa City Hall, note that online meetings are not offered in this matchmaking event.

Cancellation of participation to matchmaking

If you cannot have 1to1 meetings in the matchmaking after all, please cancel your participation. Click your profile photo in the upper right corner of the event website navigation and from the drop-down menu choose Event settings. You can cancel your participation at the event in the Participation Cancellation section.

Rate the meetings

You are asked to rate the meetings you had. The matchmaking activity is funded by the European Comission and the feedback of your participation is required under this activity. You are asked to notify any collaboration agreements that you reach with other matchmaking participants to the organizer and/or co-organizer. This information will be treated confidentially.

b2match mobile application

The b2match mobile application is available for download in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.

Note that you cannot register to the event on the mobile application. Once you are registered on the matchmaking website, login to the mobile application and you are able to book and manage your meetings also there, you can also send messages to other matchmaking participants.

See the full b2match participant guide for more instructions.