European Maritime Day 2024

30–31 May 2024 | Svendborg, Denmark


European Maritime Day 2024


🌫️To all Maritime Stakeholders, Innovators, and Ocean Enthusiasts out there:

📅Save the Date: Svendborg, Denmark; 30 May 2024 – during the European Maritime Days ! Mark your calendars and be a part of this transformative experience. Your participation is not just welcome, it's essential! Together, let's chart the course towards a blue economy that benefits us all. To ensure that the event is as inclusive as possible, the conference will be offered in a hybrid format, allowing both in-person and online attendance.

 🌊 Get ready to dive into the heart of sustainability at the 2nd European Blue Forum Annual Meeting “From position to practice”! 🌊

After a successful inaugural event in May 2023 and a year of thematic engagement activities, we're thrilled to warmly invite you to join us once again as we continue the journey towards a more sustainable and vibrant blue economy. This year's theme is all about action – turning ideas into impactful practices, to identify innovative solutions to deliver bold and ambitious changes for a brighter, more sustainable future.

Our rapidly growing pan-European Blue Community now amounts to approximately 600 members and is looking to  expand further. Since its inception, the European Blue Forum aims to ensure that voices of all our blue economy stakeholders are heard, and that they can have an influence on the future EU policy on Blue Economy. Our goal is to continue uniting voices from all corners of the sea, harnessing our shared passion and commitment to come together as a ‘Blue Community’ and collaboratively tackle the pressing challenges facing our oceans.

Why Attend?

🔍 Interactive Workshops: Our workshops are not just about discussions, they are a call to action! Engage with fellow stakeholders in lively discussions and brainstorming sessions aimed at turning blue economy concepts into real-world solutions.

 🌐 Make Your Voice Heard: Your insights matter. This event provides a unique platform for you to voice your concerns, share success stories, and contribute to shaping the future of the European blue economy.

 🌍 Building Sustainable Practices: We believe in turning words into actions. Join us to explore innovative strategies, best practices, and collaborative approaches that will make a tangible difference in the sustainability of our oceans.

 💻Register Now: Registration is open until Wednesday, May 8, 2024. Secure your spot promptly, as availability is limited. If you haven't yet become a member of the European Blue Forum, we encourage you to register now. Membership will keep you informed about our exciting activities and events as part of our dynamic Blue Community

 👓Stay tuned for more details on speakers, agenda, and registration . Let's make waves for a sustainable future!