European Maritime Day 2025

21–23 May 2025 | Cork, Ireland


Friday, 23 May 2025 | 09:45 - 11:00

Workshop 11 "The role of aquaculture in the Multiuse of the Sea"

  • Food security (blue biotechnology, aquaculture, fisheries, algae, biodiversity etc.)

Aquaculture is one of the fastest-growing food production sectors in the world and is an increasingly important contributor to global food supply and economic growth. In Europe, aquaculture plays a vital role in the socio-economic development of coastal and river areas and in preserving the maritime river and fishing culture. However, aquaculture can also play a central role in the change of concept of exclusive resource rights to the inclusive sharing of resources by one or more uses in the form of multi-use. There is a huge potential for combining sustainable aquaculture and renewable energy production. Moreover, aquaculture can be pivotal in restoring natural habitats.

The workshop will feature three EU-funded projects from three different funding programmes and sea basins, involving companies, research institutes and universities from nine European countries across the North and Baltic Seas. It will also present how the European Commission supports the Aquaculture Sector in Europe with a rich knowledge base and by providing dedicated trainings and e-learning tools including on ‘Planning of space and access to water for marine aquaculture’ through the EU Aquaculture Assistance Mechanism .

An open discussion with project representatives, stakeholders and the audience will examine the most promising solutions, and the barriers and challenges to their uptake as well as the needs of the sector.