European Maritime Day 2025

21–23 May 2025 | Cork, Ireland


Event agenda

Wednesday, 21 May 2025

09:30 - 12:30

Blue Economy for the All Atlantic - Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership Regional Workshop (co-organised with DG RTD)

Format:In-personLocation:UCC-Centre for Executive EducationTrack:Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership - with AAORIA and Mission Ocean (DG RTD)

14:00 - 18:00

European Maritime Space (co-organised with DG MOVE)

Format:In-personLocation:UCC-Centre for Executive EducationTrack:European Maritime Space - UCC Centre for Executive Education

15:00 - 17:30

Energy Transition Partnership for fisheries and aquaculture (DG MARE)

Format:In-personLocation:Hotel Clayton - Pegasus 3&4 HallTrack:Info Session - Pegasus 3+4 Room, Hotel Clayton

Thursday, 22 May 2025

08:30 - 09:15

Welcome coffee & Registration

Format:In-personLocation:Cork City Council -AtriumTrack:Catering

09:30 - 10:00

Official opening session

Format:Live streamTrack:Plenary sessions - Millenium hall, Cork City Council

10:00 - 10:45

Fisheries and Ocean Dialogue I

Format:Live streamTrack:Plenary sessions - Millenium hall, Cork City Council

10:00 - 18:30


Meeting rooms in Cork City Council possible to book for networking

  • Room 8, Atrium, Ground Floor
  • Room 9, Atrium, Ground Floor
  • Room 10, Atrium, Ground Floor
  • Room 11, Atrium, Ground Floor

Meeting duration:30 minute time slots

10:45 - 11:15

Coffee break

Format:In-personLocation:Cork City Council -AtriumTrack:Catering

11:15 - 12:00

Fisheries and Ocean Dialogue II

Format:Live streamTrack:Plenary sessions - Millenium hall, Cork City Council

12:15 - 13:00

Fisheries and Ocean Dialogue III

Format:Live streamTrack:Plenary sessions - Millenium hall, Cork City Council

13:00 - 14:30


Format:In-personLocation:Cork City Council -AtriumTrack:Catering

14:30 - 15:30

EMD Cities Network Plenary Round Table

Format:In-personLocation:Cork City Council - Millenium HallTrack:Plenary sessions - Millenium hall, Cork City Council

15:30 - 15:45

Coffee break

Format:In-personLocation:Cork City Council -AtriumTrack:Catering

15:45 - 17:00

Workshop 1 "Young generation approach 4 resilient blue economy"

  • Coastal communities: resilience, challenges and opportunities

Workshops organized by Emilia-Romagna Region.

1 speaker

Workshop 2 "20 Year of Advisory Councils Stakeholder Expertise for Oceans Pact "

  • Food security (blue biotechnology, aquaculture, fisheries, algae, biodiversity etc.)

Workshop organized by North Western Waters Advisory Council on behalf of all Advisory Councils . More details will be available soon.

2 speakers


  • Maritime Cooperation (regional, sea-basins, Civil Society, stakeholder relations etc.)

Workshop organized by Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche. More details will be available soon.

Workshop 4 "Blue Innovation: Ocean Energy scaleup through the European Ocean Pact "

  • Blue Energy (Marine renewable energy, alternative fuels, energy transition, decarbonisation, desalination, port adaptation etc.)

Workshop organized by Ocean Energy Europe.

2 speakers

17:15 - 18:30

Workshop 5 "GNSBI engagement with other users of the North Sea"

  • Maritime Cooperation (regional, sea-basins, Civil Society, stakeholder relations etc.)

Workshop organized by Greater North Sea Basin Initiative.

Workshop 6"Navigating the Future: Sustainable Trade and Ships"

  • Blue Energy (Marine renewable energy, alternative fuels, energy transition, decarbonisation, desalination, port adaptation etc.)

Workshop organized by Seas At Risk.

Workshop 7 "Protecting Subsea Infrastructure"

  • Maritime security and surveillance

Workshop organized by National Maritime College of Ireland MTU.

1 speaker

Workshop 8 "EU Pilot Sites Strengthening Coastal Resilience"

  • Coastal communities: resilience, challenges and opportunities

Workshop organized by KDM The German Marine Research Consortium.

2 speakers

Friday, 23 May 2025

08:30 - 09:00

Welcome coffee

Format:In-personLocation:Cork City Council -AtriumTrack:Catering

09:00 - 09:30

Wrap up from the Fisheries and Ocean Dialogue

Format:Live streamTrack:Plenary sessions - Millenium hall, Cork City Council

09:45 - 11:00

Workshop 09 "The EUMSS – the role of EFCA, EMSA, and Frontex"

  • Maritime security and surveillance

Workshop organized by European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex) European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA), European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA).

Workshop 10 "Sailing for Science and Climate Action"

  • Enablers (marine research, innovation, technology, observation, blue skills, MSP, digitalisation, investment, ocean literacy etc.)

Workshop organizd by Team Malizia.

Workshop 11 "The role of aquaculture in the Multiuse of the Sea"

  • Food security (blue biotechnology, aquaculture, fisheries, algae, biodiversity etc.)

Workshop organized by CINEA.

Workshop 12 "Making co-operation in MSP & Regulation a reality"

  • Maritime Cooperation (regional, sea-basins, Civil Society, stakeholder relations etc.)

Workshop organized by IE Maritime Area Regulatory Authority.

10:00 - 17:30


Meeting rooms in Cork City Council possible to book for networking

  • Room 8, Atrium, Ground Floor
  • Room 9, Atrium, Ground Floor
  • Room 10, Atrium, Ground Floor
  • Room 11, Atrium, Ground Floor

Meeting duration:30 minute time slots

11:00 - 11:15

Coffee break

Format:In-personLocation:Cork City Council -AtriumTrack:Catering

11:15 - 12:15

Synergies between Sea basins strategies

Format:Live streamTrack:Plenary sessions - Millenium hall, Cork City Council

11:15 - 12:30

Workshop 13 "Building Resilience in Island Economies"

  • Coastal communities: resilience, challenges and opportunities

Workshop organized by General Secretariat for the Aegean and Island Policy.

2 speakers

Workshop 14 "EU response to maritime security threats"

  • Maritime security and surveillance

Workshop organized by EMSA.

Workshop 15 "How we can all achieve Net 0 in the supply chain"

  • Blue Energy (Marine renewable energy, alternative fuels, energy transition, decarbonisation, desalination, port adaptation etc.)

The workshop is organized by Maersk Logistics and Services.

Workshop 16 "Mission Ocean-Unlocking Phase2 Scalable Governance"

  • Enablers (marine research, innovation, technology, observation, blue skills, MSP, digitalisation, investment, ocean literacy etc.)

The workshop is organized by Marine Institute. More details will be available soon.

12:30 - 13:30


Format:In-personLocation:Cork City Council -AtriumTrack:Catering

13:30 - 14:45

Workshop 17 "Boosting Coastal Tourism in the Outermost Regions"

  • Maritime Cooperation (regional, sea-basins, Civil Society, stakeholder relations etc.)

The workshop is organized by EMFAF-funded Project TWINNEDbySTARS. More details will be available soon.

Workshop 18 "Funding opportunities, a focus on the EIP Agri: exchange of good practices"

  • Food security (blue biotechnology, aquaculture, fisheries, algae, biodiversity etc.)

The workshop is organized by DG MARE D3/ AGRI. More details will be available soon.

Workshop 19 "Maximising support blue skills and ocean literacy"

  • Coastal communities: resilience, challenges and opportunities

The workshop is organized by EU Sea Basins Assistance Mechanism.

3 speakers

Workshop 20 "Have your say: future Ecosystem Informed Advice"

  • Enablers (marine research, innovation, technology, observation, blue skills, MSP, digitalisation, investment, ocean literacy etc.)

The workshop is organized by ICES.

1 speaker

15:00 - 16:15

Workshop 21 "Engaged Scientific Information & Marine Pollution"

  • Maritime Cooperation (regional, sea-basins, Civil Society, stakeholder relations etc.)

The workshopis organized by MaREI Centre, Environmental Research Institute, University College Cork, Ireland.

4 speakers

Workshop 22 "Seawards, the European University Ocean Cluster"

  • Coastal communities: resilience, challenges and opportunities

The workshop is organized by Iuav University of Venice.

2 speakers

Workshop 23 "Driving Innovation in the Blue Bioeconomy: Algae "

  • Food security (blue biotechnology, aquaculture, fisheries, algae, biodiversity etc.)

The workshop is organized by EurA Innovation Ecosystems (EU4Algae).

2 speakers

Workshop 24 "Ocean Observation - Foundation of Marine Knowledge"

  • Enablers (marine research, innovation, technology, observation, blue skills, MSP, digitalisation, investment, ocean literacy etc.)

The workshop is organized by European Global Ocean Observing System.

2 speakers

15:00 - 16:30

European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA) session

Format:Live streamTrack:Plenary sessions - Millenium hall, Cork City Council

16:45 - 17:15

Closure session

Format:Live streamTrack:Plenary sessions - Millenium hall, Cork City Council

45 results




Session formats

Session locations

Meeting locations