European Maritime Day 2025

21–23 May 2025 | Cork, Ireland


Friday, 23 May 2025 | 15:00 - 16:15

Workshop 24 "Ocean Observation - Foundation of Marine Knowledge"

  • Enablers (marine research, innovation, technology, observation, blue skills, MSP, digitalisation, investment, ocean literacy etc.)

Under the new Commission, Marine Knowledge is recognised in the Oceans Pact as an enabler for a healthy and prosperous ocean for the sustainability and competitiveness of the Blue Economy and Research & Innovation. This workshop will demonstrate the importance of sustained and well-organised ocean observation, feeding the marine data flows for all users, including policy, research, and fisheries and supporting the development and use of the European Digital Twin Ocean. Stakeholders, representing pan-European or international networks and organisations with expertise in different facets of Marine Knowledge, will comment on the potential of the Ocean Observation Initiative to optimise observational programs and fuel the landscape of Marine Knowledge.

2 speakers

  • Joana Beja

    Senior Scientific Data Officer

    Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ)

  • Neil Holdsworth

    Head of Data and Information (ICES)

    ICES - International Council for the Exploration of the Sea