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Tiina Korhonen

language teacher

Pikku Huopalahden ala-asteen koulu

Helsinki, Finland

7 profile visitsEducational institution

I teach French, English and Swedish in a primary school in Helsinki.

About me

My organisation

Pikkis is a primary school that has about 250 pupils aged 6-12.

Social media


  • Erasmus+
  • host family accommodation

Additional questions

What is your school's specialty?

General education

What type of partner are you looking for?

General education

What's the purpose of the partnership you are seeking (environnement, specialty, human right, foreign language, weel-being in school, etc.)?

We are looking for a school (un collège!) in France that would like to accommodate 12 12-year-old pupils in host families in September/October 2025. The pupils are learning French since August 2022. If the partner school is interested we would like to host their pupils in the spring 2025 or 2026. The purpose of the partnership would be language learning in real life situations and cultural exchange. We prefer a small or middle-size city.

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