Mirabilia Food&Drink 2024

14–15 Oct 2024 | Perugia (Italy), Italy

Giovanni Marvulli


Giovanni Marvulli

Matera, Italy

31 profile visitsITALIAN SELLER

Respect for nature and great attention to quality for an organic farm that produces award-winning oil and artisanal wheat and spelt pasta

My organisation

L’Azienda Vincenzo Marvulli si trova a Matera, in Basilicata. L’azienda è biologica certificata da Icea e ha produzioni artigianali ma genuine e di qualità.  I prodotti principali sono l’olio extra vergine biologico, la pasta biologica di grano duro “Senatore Capelli” e la pasta biologica di farro.  L’azienda produce due tipi di olio: L’Ogliarola del Bradano e la Coratina.  I valori chimici sono di eccellenza: 0,1 – 0,2 di acidità, 4-5 perossidi e oltre 600 polifenoli.   Il fruttato dell’olio, di tipo verde, è elegante con sentori di erbe aromatiche, mandorla verde e carciofo.  L’olio è presente in tutte le guide e ogni anno vince numerosi premi (tra gli altri Best of Italy al JOOP, Best organic of world all'Evo Iooc, premio per la miglior performance territoriale dal Gambero Rosso, vincitore concorso internazionale Biol Novello, Top winner all'Aipo d’Argento, 3 volte nella Best 20 mondiale di Flos Olei come olio col miglior rapporto qualità/prezzo e punteggio di 98/100, Grande olio Slow).   L’azienda produce anche pasta biologica di grano duro “Senatore Cappelli” (la più pregiata varietà di grano duro), anch'essa premiata e pasta biologica di farro. Entrambe le paste sono fatte artigianalmente con trafilatura ruvida al bronzo e lenta essicazione. L’azienda lavora solo materie prime di propria produzione e attribuisce grande importanza alla qualità e alla trasparenza.
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About me

Giovanni Marvulli, from Matera, a university official but with a heart in the countryside and since 2007 also a professional agricultural entrepreneur

My organisation

Giovanni Marvulli


The Vincenzo Marvulli Company is located in Matera, Basilicata. The company is certified organic by Icea and has artisanal but genuine and quality productions. The main products are organic extra virgin olive oil, organic durum wheat pasta "Senatore Capelli" and organic spelt pasta. The company produces two types of oil: L'Ogliarola del Bradano and Coratina. The chemical values ​​are excellent: 0.1 - 0.2 acidity, 4-5 peroxides and over 600 polyphenols. The fruitiness of the oil, of the green type, is elegant with hints of aromatic herbs, green almond and artichoke. The oil is present in all the guides and every year wins numerous awards.

These are some awards (to stick to the main ones) of recent years:


- JOOP winner, Japanese Oli Oil Prize

- Oil of the year for the "Magnifico"

- In the best 20 of Flos Olei as oil with the best quality-price ratio


- 1st place Premio Montiferru (single variety)

- special prize from Gambero Rosso to the company for the best territorial performance

- Sol di bronzo at the Sol d'Oro International Competition of - 1st place "Shelf life" at the Montiferru prize

- entry into the degubox (box of the 10 best oils in the guide) of Merum


- 1st place Palio Olio Novello

- 1st place Oro d'Italia e lode dieccellenza

- 2nd place Oro del Mediterraneo


- 2nd place Premio Montiferru

- First place at the Buonolio Salus Festival Competition

- oil award with the best chemical composition at the Olio Terra di Cicerone competition

- 1st place "Shelf life" at the Montiferru award

- In the best 20 of Flos Olei as the oil with the best quality-price ratio

2020 - 1st place at the international BIOL NOVELLO competition

- 1st place at the international AIPO d'Argento competition

- winner of the Best scent of Year (first place among Italian oils)

- 2nd place at the Orciolo d'Oro

- 2nd place at the international Montiferru competition


- In the best 20 of Flos Olei (score of 98/100) as the oil with the best quality-price ratio - selected by Airo among the best 12 Italian oils as the best organic oil

- entry into the Leone d'Oro selection of the best extra virgin olive oils in the world


- Great Slow oil for Slow Food

- Praise for excellence (5 drops out of 5) at the Oro d'Italia

- Sol di Bronzo at the Sol d'Oro International competition in Verona

- second place in the organic category at Oro d'Italia

- first place, monovarietal category, at Oro d'Italia


- winner of the JOOP, Japanese Olive Oil Prize Best of Italy award - best organic oil in the world (northern hemisphere) at EVO IOOC - Grande olio Slow Food

- 5 drops out of 5 and honors for excellence at Oro d'Italia

- award for oil with the highest number of polyphenols at Montiferru

- 5 drops out of 5 and honors for excellence at Oro d'Italia

2024 - Winner Top winner - Winner of the Il Magnifico Award as a Masterpiece (small masterpiece) - Grande olio Slow Food - Special Slow Food Award for heroic agriculture - entry into the degubox (box of the 10 best oils in the guide) of Merum - 5 drops out of 5 and honors for excellence at Oro d'Italia - 2nd place at Oro d'Italia in organic

In the best 20 Flos Olei World Award as Best Organic Oil

The company also produces organic pasta made from durum wheat “Senatore Cappelli” (the finest variety of durum wheat), which has also won awards, and organic spelt pasta. Both pastas are handcrafted with rough bronze drawing and slow drying. The company only uses raw materials from its own production and places great importance on quality and transparency.co

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Product Codes

01021600 - Organic and dietetic food products01021301 - Olive oil01020700 - Pasta

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