MIRABILIA Tourism2023

16–17 Oct 2023 | Hotel AKTEA, Lipari (ME), Italy

ProductUpdated on 19 September 2023

Food and wine

Valeria Marin

Booking & Sales Office Manager at CONSORZIO GRADO TURISMO


Wellbeing is also achieved by eating well and Grado is the perfect place for this! A culinary tradition handed down from generation to generation, in which fish is the main ingredient, local agricultural products, regional food and wine excellences will tickle your palate during your stay. The dish par excellence is the 'boreto a la graisana', a tasty recipe of fish accompanied by white polenta which, flavoured with salt, pepper, vinegar and garlic. But also the white asparagus of Fossalon, with its festival, and Santonego®, an inebriating elixir made from grappa and a secret mix of lagoon herbs, among which sea absinthe stands out, have become emblems of Grado cuisine.

All the information on restaurants, bars, wine bars, local products and typical recipes in Grado you will find here https://grado.it/en/what-to-do/food-and-drink/

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