Project cooperationUpdated on 25 August 2023
Seekeng for the ongoing project coperation
So far, the group worked on the association between early and late life stress and methylome and MRI scan data. We are interested in the development of dedicated statistical and programming tools for the analysis of such data, with an emphasis on modelling the association of neurological phenotypes with genomic and epigenetic features.
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Applying novel bioinformatic tools to neurological data
Joanna Szyda
professor at Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences
Wroclaw, Poland
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Monika Ślęzak
Coordinator of Industry Contact Point Medical Technologies and Health at Lukasiewicz Research Network - PORT Polish Center for Technology Development
Daniel Chirtes
CEO at Haptic R&D Consulting Srl
Aricestii Rahtivani, Romania