30 September 2025 - 1 October 2025
8010 Graz, Austria
Power Electronics for Energy Transition Symposium
Call for Presentations and Posters
Both academia and industry is invited to contribute to a successful symposium by giving a talk or poster presentation. Please check the FAQs or contact Peter Rechberger for questions.
Check if your research topic matches the symposium focus (exclusivity of research results is NOT necessary - so you can hand in research already used at another occasion).
Hand in your short abstract using the provided template until 12 May 2025 via the submission form
Selected abstracts will be notified by 15 June 2025 and invited to give a talk or present a poster.
Selected presenters are required to register to the event ("register now") at reduced rates.
The abstracts will be made available to all participants before the event and presentations will be shared after the event.
Please submit your abstract regarding one of the focus topics of the symposium:
PE in automotive & charging applications
(includes - but not limited to - Electric Drive Trains, On-Board Chargers, Vehicle to X, Smart Charging, etc.) -
PE in medium voltage applications
(includes - but not limited to - Renewable Energy Power Systems, Smart Grids, HVDC, FACTS, Solid State Transformers, etc.) -
DC Industry
(includes - but not limited to - DC Power Supplies, DC-Grids in Industrial Applications, etc.) -
Sustainability & Circular Economy in PE
(includes - but not limited to – LCA, Recycling, Efficient Use of Material, Circular Economy, Condition Monitoring, etc.)
Abstract Template
Please fill in the template, save as pdf and upload it in the submission form until 12 May 2025.