Les rencontres économiques Blue Valley

28 janv. 2025 | Morlaix - Saint Martin des Champs

Jean-Paul Cadoret



Paris, France

16 visites de profilIntervenantActeurs des biotechnologies marines

Algama CSO President of EABA 35 years in Research. Former Director of GREENSEA. 80 publications. 10 Patents. www.researchgate.net/profile/Jean-Paul_Cadoret

Mon organisation




Paris, France

We are Algama, , a pioneering organization dedicated to promoting sustainable and innovative food solutions. Our mission is to harness the power of algae and other novel ingredients to create nutritious and environmentally friendly products. By collaborating with partners across diverse sectors, we aim to reshape the future of food and drive positive change in our industry. We believe that through shared knowledge and collaboration, we can contribute to a healthier planet and better food systems for everyone.
En savoir plus

Sur moi

Réseaux sociaux

Sessions d'intervenants 1

mardi 28 janvier 2025

11:00 - 12:30

Table-ronde : Adaptation, anticipation et innovation des industriels face à la montée du végétal

Format :Sur placeTrack :Table ronde
  • Innovation
  • Végétalisation

Frank Jamois, Directeur Recherche et Innovation - AGRIMER, Antoine Ravenel, Directeur végétalisation et diversification – GLOBEXPLORE - Groupe HENAFF, Jean-Paul Cadoret, Responsable département R&D – ALGAMA Foods, Gildas Breton, Directeur R&D – POLARIS.