S3 CONGRESS 2024 - 6th edition
2 October 2024 - 3 October 2024|
15122 Alessandria, Italy
Via Roberto di Ferro, 86
6th European Congress on Eco-plasturgy and Sustainable, Intelligent and Safe Plastic Materials - October 2nd from 14:00 to 17:00 CET and October 3th from 9:00 to 17:00 CET
POLYMERIS is organising the 6th European Eco-Plasturgy Congress. After 5 successful editions in Lyon, Saragossa and in virtual format in 2022 and 2023 where around sixty participants met to discuss themes such as eco-design, biopolymers and recycling, the 6th edition will take place in hybrid format in collaboration with our Italian partner PROPLAST in Alessandria, Italy.
The aims of the event are to:
Highlight technological and commercial opportunities in the field of eco-plasturgy
Bring together leading companies and technology experts with start-up companies
Cooperation for European companies, including SMEs
Scientific and technological exchanges between circular economy experts in the field of plastics processing developments and applications.
This event is aimed at all types of players (start-ups, SMEs, ETIs, groups, academic laboratories, universities, technical centres, institutions).
The congress is supported by the ECP4 network.
Registration fees:
Speakers and members participants (POLYMERIS, PROPLAST and ECP4 members) : 180 € (VAT included)
Non-members participants : 240 € (VAT included)
Participants by Country:



