S3 CONGRESS 2024 - 6th edition

2–3 Oct 2024 | Alessandria, Italy

S3 CONGRESS 2024 - 6th edition

2 October 2024 - 3 October 2024|

15122 Alessandria, Italy

Via Roberto di Ferro, 86




Polymeris draws on 15 years of expertise and experience in supporting businesses, with in-depth knowledge of the techniques and markets of tomorrow.

A benchmark in terms of innovation for the plastics, rubbers and composites sectors, we work in France and internationally in favor of a dynamic and innovative industry by relying on a network of public and private actors both at the level regional than national and European.

Polymeris offers services to all industrialists to bring out new R&D projects, stimulate and promote innovation and develop internationally.

To generate innovation and bring out new R&D projects, Polymeris leads a network of 380 members and an ecosystem of 65 partner organizations in research, training, laboratories and industrial technical centers (CTI).

In particular, Polymeris aims to expand its presence in Europe and internationally by relying on strengthened partnerships with benchmark international clusters. The purpose is to bring out and support 50 new European projects over the period 2020-2025, including 5 funded per year.



PROPLAST is a technology center focused on research and innovation in the polymer and composite field and organized as a cluster (recognized at European level - ESCA silver labelled), by integrating the industrial and academic worlds and harmonizing their competencies, approaches, and needs.

Proplast promotes competitiveness of the industries, especially SMEs, by fostering innovation and networking actions at national and international level by organizing conferences, workshops, round tables and B2Bs. Since 2008, Proplast is recognized as the managing body of CGreen - Green chemistry and advanced materials in Italian Piedmont region, and currently is part of the Sistema Poli Piemonte meta-cluster.

Proplast facilities include pilot lines of the main technologies for polymer production and processing, i.e. extrusion and compounding, injection molding and thermoforming, fiber reinforced composite production.

Proplast has been involved in several collaborative research projects at European (HE, H2020, Life+, FP7, FP6) and national level (Piedmont Region and National calls), and in different collaborative cluster projects at European Level (ERASMUS+, Alpine Space, H2020, Cosme Program).