I wish to publish several works for which I own the rights in other countries. These works have been previously published.
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Ilustrador y dibujante de comics
Raúlo Cáceres
Córdoba, Spain
Ha trabajado para la americana Avatar Press durante 11 años con guionistas como Garth Ennis, Warren Ellis o David Lapham.
From 2007 to 2018, Raúlo worked for the American publisher AVATAR PRESS, side by side with famous writers such as Max Brooks, Warren Ellis, David Lapham, or Garth Ennis. In AVATAR PRESS he draws a variety of genres like horror, historical, zombie, or teslapunk. Some of his works published in USA are Crécy, Crossed: Psychopath, Captain Swing and The Electrical Pirates of Cindery Island, The Extinction Parade or Code Pru (included in Alan Moore’s Cinema Purgatorio). He also worked as a cover artist in several comicbooks, being the most remarkable the covers for the serie Providence by Alan Moore.
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I wish to publish several works for which I own the rights in other countries. These works have been previously published.