Seagriculture EU 2024

18–20 Jun 2024 | Tórshavn, Faroe Islands

Rob Kinley



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FutureFeed is commercializing the use of Asparagopsis seaweed as a livestock feed ingredient that reduces methane emissions by over 80 per cent. FutureFeed holds the global IP rights to this technology, developed by CSIRO, James Cook University and Meat and Livestock Australia. They deliver supply chain access to our seaweed producers through a variety of licence agreements. They are progressing R&D to confirm the safety and efficacy of Asparagopsis, which in turn is opening regulatory pathways for this technology to be adopted globally.

Speaker sessions (1)

Wednesday, 19 June 2024

11:15 - 12:35

Session 2: Innovative applications for seaweeds

Location:Conference Room

Everyone is aware of the use of seaweeds as hydrocolloids and in Asian cuisine. During this session we will hear about new, innovative applications for seaweeds in food, feed and other applications.