Seagriculture EU 2024

18–20 Jun 2024 | Tórshavn, Faroe Islands

Urd Grandorf Bak

Chief Research Manager, Ocean Rainforest

Ocean Rainforest Sp/F

Copenhagen, Denmark

11 profile visitsExhibitor


My organisation

Ocean Rainforest Sp/F

We are Ocean Rainforest Sp/F, a leading seaweed farming company based in the Faroe Islands. With a strong focus on sustainability and innovation, we specialize in cultivating high-quality seaweed for various industries, including food, cosmetics, and biomaterials. Our team is dedicated to harnessing the natural benefits of seaweed while promoting environmental conservation and economic growth in the region. Join us to explore the endless possibilities of seaweed cultivation together.

Additional questions

What are your areas of interest?

Seaweed farming (cultivation, wild harvest, offshore, landbased)Seaweed processingSelection and breedingSeaweed speciesApplications for seaweedsInvestments and fundingEquipment and technological advancementsSeaweed supply chain managementLegislative aspects of seaweedsSocial aspectsEcological aspects of seaweeds (E.g. carbon credits, IMTA)

Are you interested in buying seaweeds?


Are you interested in selling seaweeds?





Faroe Islands