Seagriculture EU 2024

18–20 Jun 2024 | Tórshavn, Faroe Islands


Other Islands
7 profile visits


SeaMark is a four-year project funded by Horizon Europe under contract no. 101060379. SeaMark will demonstrate how to scale up innovative seaweed cultivation and processing into price-competitive product applications making the entire supply chain attractive for commercial investments. The SeaMark consortium comprises multi-disciplinary experts across 12 countries including 12 industry partners with expertise in multiple industry sectors. Together they will develop 12 innovative products for market uptake, setting up an Industry Purchasing Group (IPG) to guarantee the commercial uptake of results.

Company Category

Seaweed FarmerSeaweed ApplicationsOther


Urd Grandorf Bak

Chief Research Manager, Ocean Rainforest

Ocean Rainforest Sp/F