Membership in the following international scientific societies:
- International Society for Horticultural Science
- European Society for Agronomy
- International Humic Substances Society
- European Federation of Biotechnology (Environmental Biotechnology Division)
- International Solid Waste Association
Research activities
My research and publication activities are focused on the management of biowaste and knowledge of processes during composting and vermicomposting (using earthworms). Individually or as a co-author I have published over 190 scientific and professional articles. More than 65 of them are displayed on Web of Science with 650 citations (without self-citations). H-index is 17. Researcher ID: U-8984-2019.
I presented selected papers orally at international conferences, e.g. in Hong Kong (2011, 2013, 2015 – Co-chairman of the Composting Section), China (Beijing, 2012, Shanghai, 2018), USA (2017), South Africa (2016), Malaysia (2018), Chile (2023), Greece (2010, 2018, 2021, 2022, 2023), Spain (2018), Hungary (2014), etc.
I also participated in the creation and development of patents, utility models and industrial designs, certified methodologies, functional model and proven technology. I am a co-author of a book on composting and composting plants.
From 2009 to 2013 I was the principal investigator and coordinator of the research project on „Optimization of farm vermicomposting technology“. For the research in the field of vermicomposting of biowaste I was awarded the Minister of Agriculture Award for the best realized result of research and experimental development in 2014. I was the principal investigator of the research project of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic „Legislative footings for greater application of composts, especially vermicompost, on agricultural land” (2015-2018) as well as a member of the research team dealing with the 7th European Framework Project „Biofector” (2013-2017). I was co-investigator of Operational Program - Expansion and support of technology and knowledge transfer at CZU through the implementation of "proof-of-concept" activities (2017-2018). I am currently the principal investigator and coordinator of the research project “Use of Vermicomposting to eliminate micropollutants for safe application of sewage sludge on agricultural land” (2019-2023) and the researcher of the project “Diversification and strengthening the competitiveness of aquaculture by promoting aquaponics as an innovative technology for agricultural food production (2021-2025).
Teaching activities
- The issue of Waste Management - Classes for students of the Czech University of Life Sciences (in Czech and English), for employees of state administration, local government and businesses
- The area of Agro-Environmental Chemistry and Plant Nutrition - Classes for students of the Czech University of Life Sciences (in Czech and English)
I am the guarantor of the bachelor's study program Landscape Protection and the Use of Natural Resources and the master's program Waste Technology.