Remilled Semolina - Semola Rimacinata di grano Duro Siciliano
Re-milled semolina suitable for mainly home use in order to produce pizzas, homemade bread and pasta
- Flours
Owner and CEO
Molino Zappalà
Mascalucia, Italy
My organisation
Molino Zappalà Oreste e Figli has been producing re-milled semolina and by-products from the milling of Sicilian durum wheat for over 60 years, offering flours that are consistent in quality and customizable according to the needs of each individual customer. All this is possible thanks to a know-how inherited from previous generations.
Il Molino Zappalà Oreste e Figli da oltre 60 anni produce semola rimacinata e sottoprodotti della macinazione del grano duro siciliano, offrendo farine costanti nella qualità e personalizzabili in base alle esigenze di ogni singolo cliente. Tutti ciò è possibile grazie ad un Know-How ereditato dalle precedenti generazioni.
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Remilled Semolina - Semola Rimacinata di grano Duro Siciliano
Re-milled semolina suitable for mainly home use in order to produce pizzas, homemade bread and pasta
TUMMINIA flour is produced using ancient stone mills, following ancient traditions;
In addition to its nutritional properties, its good digestibility and assimilability are highly appreciated.
Type 00 soft wheat flour PRONTO PANETTONE blend ideal for Panettone, Pandoro, Colombe and leavened desserts
Pure Sicilian soft wheat flour milled using natural stone and cultivated in certain well-defined Sicilian areas