Seagriculture EU 2024

18–20 Jun 2024 | Tórshavn, Faroe Islands

Mari Lyyra

Head of Operations, Food & Feed and Cosmetics


Kuopio, Finland

16 profile visitsSpeaker

I provide professional regulatory services to companies by supporting them in product development, labelling, regulatory assessment and registration processes.


My organisation

Medfiles is an international company that offers expert services and support to its clients on their path of product commercialisation. Medfiles’ Food & Feed & Cosmetics unit offers a wide range of professional regulatory services to food, feed and cosmetics companies of all sizes. They provide services for different stages of product research and development process, regulatory reviews, regulatory registration, launch and marketing.

Social media

Additional questions

What are your areas of interest?

Applications for seaweedsLegislative aspects of seaweedsSeaweed education and outreach programs

Are you interested in buying seaweeds?


Are you interested in selling seaweeds?


Speaker sessions (1)

Wednesday, 19 June 2024

11:15 - 12:35

Session 2: Innovative applications for seaweeds

Location:Conference Room

Everyone is aware of the use of seaweeds as hydrocolloids and in Asian cuisine. During this session we will hear about new, innovative applications for seaweeds in food, feed and other applications.


Oy Medfiles Ltd


Kuopio, Finland

Marketplace (1)