Swiss-Danish Matchmaking on Quantum

27 Jan – 26 Jun 2025


Participants - All

Participant search result

National Contact Point

Bern, BE, Switzerland


As one of the Swiss National Contact Points for the MSCA I am happy to inform and advise how Swiss entities can participate and submit MSCA applications.

As one of the Swiss National Contact Points for the MSCA I am happy to inform and advise how Swiss entities can participate and submit MSCA applications.

Deputy HLR, Senior Adviser

Copenhagen, Denmark

Ministry of Higher Education and Science 

responsible for Denmark's international collaboration related to research infrastructures and multilateral programmes in Europe

responsible for Denmark's international collaboration related to research infrastructures and multilateral programmes in Europe

scientific advisor

Berne, BE, Switzerland


Changed sides 15 years ago, but deep in my heart I'm still passionate about physics. Supporting science as a civil servant, quantum gravity is my private hobby.

Changed sides 15 years ago, but deep in my heart I'm still passionate about physics. Supporting science as a civil servant, quantum gravity is my private hobby.

Innovation & Technology Advisor, Enterprise Europe Network Switzerland

Bern, Switzerland


National Contact Point for Digital (Cluster 4)

Bern, Switzerland


As a Swiss National Contact Point for Digital, I advise Swiss entities on participation and proposals for digital topics under Horizon Europe Cluster 4.

As a Swiss National Contact Point for Digital, I advise Swiss entities on participation and proposals for digital topics under Horizon Europe Cluster 4.

Swiss National Contact Point for Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions

Bern, Switzerland


As one of Switzerland's National Contact Points for MSCA, I am here to help researchers with any guidance regarding MSCA grants in Switzerland.


  • Research funding
  • msca
  • doctoral networks
  • staff exchanges
  • cofund
  • postdoctoral fellowships

As one of Switzerland's National Contact Points for MSCA, I am here to help researchers with any guidance regarding MSCA grants in Switzerland.


  • Research funding
  • msca
  • doctoral networks
  • staff exchanges
  • cofund
  • postdoctoral fellowships

Scientific Advisor

Bern, Switzerland


Responsible for MSCA at the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation.

Responsible for MSCA at the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation.

National contact point at Euresearch

Bern, Switzerland


NCP at Euresearch covering the MSCA and the Pillar II mobility tasks. There to inform and advise about funding opportunities in the HE program.


  • msca
  • Pillar II
  • Mobility
  • partnership
  • EIT

NCP at Euresearch covering the MSCA and the Pillar II mobility tasks. There to inform and advise about funding opportunities in the HE program.


  • msca
  • Pillar II
  • Mobility
  • partnership
  • EIT

National Contact Point (NCP)for the EIC Pathfinder and Transition Programmes

Bern, Switzerland


As Swiss NCP for EIC Pathfinder & Transition, I provide information on theses Programmes, and on implications of the Status of Switzerland for applicants.

As Swiss NCP for EIC Pathfinder & Transition, I provide information on theses Programmes, and on implications of the Status of Switzerland for applicants.

National Contact Point for Digital (Cluster 4)

Bern, Switzerland


As a Swiss National Contact Point for Digital, I advise Swiss entities on participation and proposals for digital topics under Horizon Europe Cluster 4.


  • Artificial Intelligence
  • HPC
  • semiconductors
  • digital
  • software
  • Machine Learning

As a Swiss National Contact Point for Digital, I advise Swiss entities on participation and proposals for digital topics under Horizon Europe Cluster 4.


  • Artificial Intelligence
  • HPC
  • semiconductors
  • digital
  • software
  • Machine Learning

Advisor for international innovation projects at Innosuisse

Bern, Switzerland


If you are interested in learning more about our Innosuisse programs, visit us at our booth.

If you are interested in learning more about our Innosuisse programs, visit us at our booth.

Assistant Professor

Copenhagen, Denmark

University of Copenhagen 

Lead on the Neutral Atoms pilot line at the NNF Quantum Computing Programme, and Assistant Professor at the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen.

Lead on the Neutral Atoms pilot line at the NNF Quantum Computing Programme, and Assistant Professor at the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen.

National Contact Point

Copenhagen, Denmark

Ministry of Higher Education and Science 

Danish National Contact point for the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA).

Danish National Contact point for the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA).

Technical Specialist

Copenhagen, Denmark

ConScience ApS 

Technical lead for ConScience in Denmark. We offer nanofabrication foundry services in quantum technologies. Looking for potential collaborators and partners.


  • Nanofabrication
  • foundry services
  • consultancy


  • Superconducting Qubits
  • nanophotonics
  • Quantum Technologies
  • Photonic integrated circuits

Technical lead for ConScience in Denmark. We offer nanofabrication foundry services in quantum technologies. Looking for potential collaborators and partners.


  • Nanofabrication
  • foundry services
  • consultancy


  • Superconducting Qubits
  • nanophotonics
  • Quantum Technologies
  • Photonic integrated circuits


zurich, Switzerland

ETH Zurich 

We use experimental platforms based on neutral cold atoms and their Rydberg states for large-scale quantum processing architectures


  • Quantum Simulation
  • quantum computation
  • Quantum optics
  • Atomic physics
  • Many-body physics
  • Quantum sensing

We use experimental platforms based on neutral cold atoms and their Rydberg states for large-scale quantum processing architectures


  • Quantum Simulation
  • quantum computation
  • Quantum optics
  • Atomic physics
  • Many-body physics
  • Quantum sensing

Chief of Staff // Venture Capital & Deep Tech Strategy

Basel, Switzerland

QAI Ventures 

Investing in deep-tech startups globally

Investing in deep-tech startups globally

International Investment Officer @ Innovation Fund Denmark

Aarhus C., Denmark

Innovation Fund Denmark 

Working on international collaborations concerning the Eureka Network, bilaterals and other international possibilities.

Working on international collaborations concerning the Eureka Network, bilaterals and other international possibilities.

Chief Partnership and Tech Transfer Officer

Bern-Wabern, Switzerland

Federal Institute of Metrology METAS 

Grant Officer & Head of Euresearch Office Ticino @USI

Lugano, Switzerland


44 results


Organisation Types

Areas of Activity

R&I category

Research Interest

Funding schemes